Decoder Buddy Version 5 is a motherboard for 21 Pin decoders (Scale=HO). It has 12 outputs and was designed for use with ESU V5 decoders. However, most 21-pin decoders will work in the V5 (the author has his doubts about ScaleTrains and Fox Valley - no way to test) and give the number of function outputs available on the 21-pin decoder you are using. The author has used the Soundtraxx Economi decoder with a decoder buddy with no problems.
Decoder Buddy Information
This product is versatile in terms of direction of the placement of the board and mounting in various configurations. It can easily replace a QSI board, a Dual Mode decoder board or be mounted directly on the electric motor or frame with Kapton tape. (It is recommended that a piece of Kapton tape be placed on the bottom of the motherboard to assure electrical isolation from the electric motor or frame). It does not include a Decoder and the motherboard and connector board require soldering. It is NOT FOR USE IN A DC SYSTEM.
The removable lighting connector was designed so that the shell of the diesel locomotive can be easily separated from the frame without unsoldering wires. This does require that the headlight and rear lights be mounted in the shell of the locomotive. It also requires that the speaker be mounted to the frame.
The motherboard includes:
- One 21 Pin Decoder receptacle
- Two pairs of track input pads
- One pair of motor input pads
- One pair of keep alive pads (U+ and GND)
- Two pairs of speaker pads wired in parallel
- Resistors for use with LED lighting.

Some modelers may consider this last point not a pro but a con. In locomotives that require incandescent bulbs (older Athearn engines come immediately to mind) it would be difficult to change to LEDS and have the same look as the bulbs.
As delivered, the on board resistors are sized for LEDs (2.2K). If you require incandescent lamps there are procedures on the website that require soldering and allow for incandescent lamp use but in order to do this the author believes you would have to be an experienced solderer as the resistors are surface mounted and quite small (SMRs). Also, remember there are different incandescent lamp voltages that have to be taken into consideration (1.5v vs. 14v, etc).
The NIXTRAINZ website can take special orders for motherboards with the appropriate resistors in place. Check out their
The connector board contains pads for eight pairs of lighting function connections. U+ or the blue wire has eight connected pads for the common power source. The negative (-) discrete function pads are all labeled to indicate their connection to the functions available in the decoder.
Width x Length x Height
0.67” x 2.20” x 0.35”
17 mm x 56 mm x 9 mm
Height may vary slightly depending on decoder.
NixTrainz also has a miniature version of the motherboard. Read about it
The author feels the Decoder Buddy is a nice addition to the model railroader's parts arsenal and allows putting 21 pin decoders in locomotives where it was difficult if not impossible to do before it came along. Just be aware of the LED vs. incandescent bulb issue.
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