"How exacty do I get the ditchlights on my locomotives to alternately flash when I press the horn function?"
The author has heard this question a lot including from himself back when he had trouble figuring it out. The answer is it's not that difficult to set up. Once you see how it's done you won't have the problem again.
First, on the Function Outputs sheet in Lokprogrammer for your particular sound file check the Grade Crossing box for both of the ditch light AUX outputs and make a note of which AUX outputs they are. In this example they are AUX1[1] and AUX2[1]. Also, for one (and only one) of the AUX outputs set the Phase Shift setting to somewhere in the low 30's (typically 32). See fig 1.
Figure 1 Checking the Grade crossing box Second, assign the AUX functions from the first step to the Physical outputs of an unused function. In this example case F6. See fig 2.
Figure 2 Assigning AUX functions Finally, on the Function Mapping sheet set the F2 Logical function to Grade Crossing. See fig. 3.

Figure 3 Turning on F2's Grade Crossing
The overall affect of these changes is when the ditch lights are turned on they will remain on but steady (no flashing). When the horn is played (F2) they will flash and continue to flash for the Grade Crossing Hold Time setting which is on the Function settings sheet. See fig 4.
Figure 4 Setting Hold TimeIf the ditch lights are off and F2 is pressed, the ditch lights will not come on nor will they flash.
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