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Sunday, March 27, 2022

Installing Keep Alives On Just About Any Decoder (+Making Them)

<Author's update 2025-03-16>

This link shows instructions on making your own Keep Alive with various references to the parts, etc. (from the June 2019 issue of Model Railroad Hobbyist Magazine). An article on identifying the negative ground for a decoder is in this May 2019 issue.

An excellent web page on installing keep alive on just about any decoder is located here. It is a very comprehensive list. Also, in the article are instructions on making your own Keep Alive with various references to the parts, theory, etc.

One thing stated in the original article that this author disagrees with in certain circumstances is the statement:

 Note: Disable DC operation in CV 29 & set CV 11 to “0”, when using Stay/Keep Alives.

The setting of CV 11 to 0 allows the locomotive with the keep alive to continue in motion with sound as long as the keep alive has the power to do it. There are times when this may not be a good thing. The module model railroad club the author belongs to has a "lift bridge" as one of their modules. This allows members to enter and leave the layout without having to crawl under a module (remember, you will age). When the lift bridge is raised, power is cut to the modules on either side of it. This prevents approaching engines from taking a trip to the concrete (usually for the last time). With a keep alive installed it will continue to run! 

CV 11 controls how long the engine will continue to run even if the keep alive has more power left in it. Usually, the value in CV 11 is measured in 1/4 seconds so, for example, a value of 12 would equate to 3 seconds. The author usually sets CV 11 to this value of 12 in all his locomotives. This just about guarantees none of them come to a untimely end. 

Check your decoders' documentation to determine the appropriate value for CV 11.

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Wednesday, March 16, 2022

Updating TCS UWT-100 Firmware With JMRI

For those that do not already know this, it is possible to update the firmware of your UWT-100 WiFi throttle utilizing JMRI. TCS has provided the necessary files which are located here. Also, instructions to accomplish the upgrade are located here

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Friday, March 4, 2022

TCS UWT-100 Update 2.4 Is Now Available

Train Control Systems has released the following:

Release 2.4 is the first production release for the UWT-50. If you are receiving a brand new UWT-50, the throttle is already programmed with this software. An update is not necessary, as there is nothing to update.

Release 2.4 is a scheduled software release for the UWT-100 that adds additional features, brings improvements to existing features based on the feedback of our users, and fixes some minor bugs.


Fast Clock

·   Under the WiThrottle Protocol mode, the throttle will display the Fast Clock if the WiThrottle Server supports it. The Fast Clock display works with all known fast clocks, but support will depend on the connection to your layout and supporting infrastructure.

·   12 hour and 24 hour clock formats are select-able in the settings.

·   The Fast Clock displays on the right-hand-side. If the layout is in E-STOP, or Dual Throttle Mode (UWT-100 only) is enabled, that covers up the fast clock display.

·   If the Fast Clock is not in use at the layout you are operating at, but the display is still turned on in the throttle settings, there is a possibility that a clock will display. By default, JMRI will create a “fast” clock which matches the current time of day and has a rate of 1:1. These clocks can be disabled in the JMRI WiThrottle Server settings (applies to all throttles), or individually on a per-throttle basis as stated above. 

·   To enable the Fast Clock automatic display, go to: Throttle Settings > Fast Clock > Show Fast Clock. (Default = OFF)

Remappable Button (Softkey) Changes

·   To select F0 to F28 as fixed locomotive function number for a remappable button, enter the chosen number in the new “F0 - F28” menu. Found at: Menu > Settings > Throttle Settings > Change Buttons > [Button]

·   Further to the above, The long list of entries F0, F1, … F28 is now removed from the "Common Functions" list in order to improve performance and give a better user experience. Common Functions list still exists, and consists of only named functions now.

·   After selecting a remappable button in the Change Buttons menu, the current setting is now printed in the title.

·   “Stop” is a new selectable function that can be assigned to any remappable button. The behavior is that it sets the locomotive speed to zero (with normal deceleration).

·   The operations on the 1-dot, 2-dot, 3-dot and 4-dot keys are slightly rearranged on the UWT-100 in certain auxiliary screens to be aligned with the UWT-50 and be more intuitive to use. For example a confirmation dialog is now presented as “Yes | No” instead of “No | Yes”.

Accessory Mode Control Improvements

·   Added new "toggle-and-exit" feature to the Accessory Window. This feature was recommended through user feedback.

·   To use the toggle-and-exit feature, first select an accessory (e.g. typing in a number), then press the Enter button to toggle the accessory and immediately exit the Accessory Window. If you want to toggle and remain in the Accessory Window (for example to change multiple accessories), select the accessory, and then press the Accessory (turnout icon) button to toggle, OR use the "Normal" and "Reverse" (N/On / R/Off) buttons on the 2-dot and 3-dot keys.

·   The Accessory button no longer exits to the drive window if an accessory number is selected. Use the "Esc" key to exit back to the drive window.

LCC-related Changes (Do not affect connections over WiThrottle protocol)

·   Added an assisted/automatic DCC Address Programming process. This can be found when connected through LCC under: Menu > CV Programming > DCC Address.

·   This menu allows one to view the current address(es) of a locomotive on the Programming Track, set a short or long DCC Address, as well as view, set and clear CV19 Consist Address in an automatic and easy-to-use manner.

·   Removed an unneeded step after accessing Menu > Settings > Roster Settings.

·   Updated Consist Function Routing menus to support the advanced capabilities of LCC consisting in the CS-105.

Bug Fixes

·   Fixed an issue where trying to add a new WiFi profile beyond the supported maximum (seven) did not prompt the user that their profiles were full. The throttle appeared to take the 8th WiFi but it would not take/would not work correctly; instead, the throttle now prompts the user before adding a new WiFi, when their profiles are full, to delete a profile before proceeding.

·   After locking in (latching) a speed in yard mode on the UWT-100 and UWT-50E, entering and exiting the menu incorrectly changed the display.

·   Removed an incorrect and out-of-context message from the built-in website from the Add WiFi box. 

Misc Changes

·   In the text entry window, added visual clarification between the space and underscore characters. This avoids confusion where entering a WiFi name or password with underscores appearing to be not accepted by the throttle.

·   In the text entry window, the most common punctuation characters (dot, minus, underscore and space) now appear on almost all pages when entering text.

·   Accelerated (“ballistic”) behavior of the encoder-based thumb wheel is now disabled in menus. This change was made in response to user feedback.

·   Removed scanning on WiFi channel 13. This channel is not universally accessible due to regulatory constraints. Use channels 1 to 11 for maximum compatibility.

·   Added a "refresh" button to the "About This Throttle" menu. This allows you to periodically refresh the window to update info displayed there. This can help users troubleshoot connectivity issues by having a "live update" on signal strength, SSID, IP, etc.

·   Added some new icons to the user interface

Bootloader Version 1.4

Newly manufactured throttles (on or after March 1st 2022), including ALL UWT-50’s are now shipped with Bootloader version 1.4. Thanks to Version 1.4, you now have the ability to upload firmware files to the throttle from a web browser.

You can find instructions on how to update throttle firmware use this new method by visiting

Updating the throttle using this web interface is at least twice as fast as any other method, and requires a direct connection between your PC and the throttle. If you already have updated a throttle in the past, this connection should already be available and easy to establish; however, this method requires a manual download of firmware files, and cannot be done automatically as with D.E.P.O.T.

Firmware Synchronicity With UWT-50

Going forward, the firmware release numbers between the UWT-50 and UWT-100 throttles are always going to be the same. This means that the same release numbers will have the same features, performance and bug fixes. Most changes made can affect both devices, but there is also the possibility of having new updates which primarily address features or bugs on one device only. TCS' release schedule for firmware updates on the UWT-100 and UWT-50 is scheduled to include updates for both devices in synchronicity. The next firmware version release is scheduled for Q4 2022, but is subject to change based on circumstances such as user feedback, critical bug discovery, etc.

Instructions for installing the update are here.

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Wednesday, March 2, 2022

Digitrax RJ12 Loconet Connectors

A while ago there was a discussion on the Digitrax-users board concerning the correct RJ type connectors for Loconet. RJ11/12 6p6c connectors are readily available at just about any electronics store or home center such as Home Depot or Lowe’s. The problem with these is they are phone plugs. Admittedly, they will work when the proper connector is not available but they are a little difficult to cut the loconet cable sheathing to the proper length to provide proper support to the wires. Also, some connectors are a little loose in the Digitrax female connectors they are supposed to fit in. In addition, and most importantly, the body lengths of the two connectors are different. The body length allows for more cable support which decreases the possibility of shorting pins together if there is excessive strain put on the cable (which does happen).

Fig 1 shows the differences in length and form between the Loconet connector and the RJ11 phone connector. The Digitrax connector is on the left.

Fig 1 Difference in connector length and form

So, how does one go about getting some of the proper Digitrax RJ12 connectors? After talking with Digitrax, the author found the correct part number for them. That part number is LNRJ12P20. They are sold by (or ordered by) hobby stores. MSRP is $12.00 as of 2022-03-01 for a bag of 20. The author purchased 2 bags of these connectors from Yankee Dabbler for $9.60 each. If you go to their website and put the part number in their search box it will come right up at the top of the list.

No, the author is NOT going to rewire all of the loconet cables in our modular club layout but if and when they break they will be fixed properly.

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